The province of Brescia is a large area of ??almost 5,000 square kilometers. It borders to the north with that of Sondrio, to the south with that of Mantua, to the west with that of Bergamo and to the east with those of Trento and Verona. In addition to being the largest in Lombardy, and the sixth in Italy, it is also considered one of the most beautiful provinces of our peninsula. This is due to the multitude of landscape types that includes. In fact, in the province of Brescia it is possible to find mountain areas, beautiful in the summer and important for winter ski tourism, but also different lake landscapes known for their natural beauties as well as for the countries full of nightlife that have sprung up around it. The province of Brescia, among the major economic sources, boasts its tourism, even if it is not a seaside resort. The merit of this goes to the great capacity for managing resources that, over the years, has implemented a policy of promotion and enhancement of the main tourist destinations. Hotels, residences, apartment complexes for vacationers, shopping centers and shops: the areas of high tourist attractiveness of Brescia offer different solutions, designed to meet all the needs of vacationers, divided into the various price ranges.
But what are the five most famous, beautiful and well-known lakes of Brescia?
Garda Lake:
it is the largest Italian lake, in fact it extends up to three days lapse that is Lombardy, Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige. The Garda area (which travels to eight million tourists) represents, without a doubt, one of the most important resources for tourism in Brescia: an irresistible combination of beautiful natural landscapes, comfortable facilities and entertainment for young people. The most important discos of northern Italy, as well as many trendy clubs, are located in this area. For this reason, Lake Garda is the ideal place for families, ensuring relaxation and postcard views for adults and plenty of opportunities for fun and gathering. Lake Garda, also mentioned by Dante Alighieri in this sense, is also called Benaco. This name derives from the Celtic, meaning “rich in horns”, that is surrounded by many promontories. To the north it is narrow, and then it widens towards the south, acquiring a particular funnel shape. The most characteristic area of ??the lake is called “morenica”, to the south: thanks to a series of hills, interspersed with lowland areas, Lake Garda ends in some marshlands, a perfect habitat for flora and fauna. The climate of the Garda area is basically Mediterranean-lacustrine, therefore rather mild and temperate, with damp peaks. The characteristic vegetation is similar to that of southern Italy, with a large presence of olive and lemon trees. Moreover, in spring it is possible to admire irises, primroses and violets, as well as beautiful species of wild orchids. As for the fauna, there are typically large aquatic birds such as mallards, egrets and herons. The typical fish of Lake Garda, as well as one of the most appreciated dishes of Lake Garda, is pike.
Iseo Lake:
also known as Lake Sebino, it is located in the west of the province of Brescia, in fact it merges with that of Bergamo.The dividing country is Sarnico, the first municipality on Lake Sebino, which is part of Bergamo.The beauty of Lake Iseo is mainly given by the landscape: it is in fact set among the mountains, thus giving both typically lake views and mountain views.The climate in this area is cooler than that of Garda.The Brescia coast is more touristy and cared for, while the Bergamo shores offer more rural and wild landscapes.The waters of Lake Iseo are rich in fish, especially carp, tench, pike and small fish called aole, which the local recipe wants strictly fried.Lake Iseo is home to the most important Italian lake island: Monte Isola, reachable thanks to special ferry services.
Idro Lake:
it is located on the border with Trentino, it is also called Eridio and is increased mainly by the waters of the river Chiese.Lake Idro is known primarily for its pleasant and cool climate.It is, in fact, the ideal destination for those looking for a cool area in the summer but it is also particularly loved by motorcyclists, because the road to get there is full of gentle curves and sheer landscapes.The lake of Idro is rather small, but also enchanting thanks to the mountains and the dense vegetation that is reflected in its waters, giving it the particular and characteristic colors.Its waters are rich in fish, including eel, perch, bleak and pike.On the shores of Lake Idro it is not rare to admire some rare specimens of migratory birds: gray herons, nightingales, kingfishers.Falcons and eagles can often be sighted in the air, probably nesting in the surrounding mountains.
Valvestino Lake:
it is an artificial lake created mainly for the purpose of producing electricity.It is located in the municipality of Gargnano but flows, for a small part, in that of Valvestino from which it takes its name.The construction of the lake began in 1959 and ended in 1963. From that year on, Lake Valvestino feeds the hydroelectric centering of Gargnano.
Moro Lake:
it is a small alpine lake, characterized by a cool, dry and very pleasant summer climate.It lies between the hills of the Sorline and Rodino, the lowest promontories of the Bergamasque Prealps.Lake Moro has the characteristic of having very dark shades of green, sometimes tending to oil.It is probably from this that its name originates.This is due to the type of rocks that make up the basin, almost only represented by brown quartz.Lake Moro is very rich in fish, especially perch and tench, which also represent the basis of many local dishes.
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