⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Where to go sightseeing in Iseo | FIVE PLACES YOU MUST VISIT 🇬🇧

If you are spending a vacation in iseo, firstly you will enjoy the beautiful natural landscapes, in certain zones particularly rude and wild, for example in Torbiere National Reserve, where you can practice an amazing bird watching session. But don’t forget the architectural works, like churches, and Garibaldi Square, where is possible to admire a majestic statue of the Italian national hero

La centralissima piazza Garibaldi di Iseo
La centralissima piazza Garibaldi di Iseo

(traduzione di Fabio Coltrini) Iseo is located 20 kilometres far from Brescia and is one of the most important tourist places of Brescia’s hinterland. Iseo Lake, called also Sebino Lake, is one of the most profitable resources of the country, in different fields. First, for the tourism economy, since is a particular suggestive zone, which offers stunning landscapes and an atmosphere that combines the desire for tranquillity of families with that of having fun young people. Moreover, the area offers many facilities, like campsites, hotels, and villages, where is easy to find the perfect place to spend your holidays. Second, Iseo Lake is characterized from a rich fish stock, which is the base of the gastronomic offer of the territory. Regarding this, the most famous fish dishes are the pike and the baked tench from Clusane. You must taste also fried aole, a very small and tender fish that you eat all in once.

Franciacorta proposes also a very sophisticated wine selection, for every occasion. A special mention goes to “Valcalepio Bianco DOC”, “Valcalepio passito” and “Curtefranca DOC bianco” these are the most precious wines of Iseo and surroundings.


What to see in Iseo?

If you are spending a vacation in iseo, firstly you will enjoy the beautiful natural landscapes, in certain zones particularly rude and wild, for example in Torbiere National Reserve, where you can practice an amazing bird watching session. But don’t forget the architectural works, like churches, and Garibaldi Square, where is possible to admire a majestic statue of the Italian national hero.

The climate is typical of a lake area, made from warm mornings and windy evenings.

Top 5: best places in Iseo

1. Iseo lakeside promenade:

Located in the heart of the country, is a long boardwalk along the lake, which offers many entertainment spots. On the opposite side, you can spot shops, bars, restaurants, and playrooms. Is a perfect place to go shopping all day long. From the “aperitivo” hour ‘til late begins the nightlife. The young people usually meet right on the lakefront, having fun doing what in Brescia are called “le vasche”, walking back and forward looking for new friendships.

From the venues is possible to listen good music, and often the town council hires bands who play live music. Especially in summer, iseo lakeside becomes a huge open-air venue, perfect for the boys and the girls searching for fun and for couples and families looking for a relaxing evening, eating a tasty ice cream during a walk.

Il lungolago di Iseo
Il lungolago di Iseo

2. The sanctyuary of “Madonna della Neve”:

Iseo’s citizens are particularly devoted to the “Madonna della neve”, to which are dedicated every year various celebrations. She is commemorated the 5th of August, in memory of her appearance, but generally the ceremony takes place the whole week. For this recurrence, are celebrated special churches, organized processions and festivals with wine and food stands, offering typical products. The sanctuary stands in Madonna della neve street, and dates to 1655, whene the iseo citizens demolished “Santo Stefano’s church” to erect a new building in honour of the Virgin. The sanctuary is characterized from a simple and linear architecture style, which resalts the amazing baroque portal and the fresco picturing the Virgin Lady with Sant’Antonio Abate.

Faithful believes that praying in front of this painting is necessary to obtain graces and miracles. The small chapels inside the building are decorated with baroque elements.

Il santuario della Madonna della Neve a Iseo
Il santuario della Madonna della Neve a Iseo

3. Santa Maria del Mercato’s church:

Despite being a very tiny church, this edifice offers unique suggestions and emotions. Also called “Chiesa Oldofredi”, the name of the owners of the field where stands the build.

Inside is possible admire many frescos by Voltolini, a very important painter from Iseo in 18th century. The paintings represent the cycle of Christ’s passion. Such as the Sanctuary of the Madonna della neve, also the church of Santa Maria del Mercato is decorated with baroque stuccoes of historical and artistic value.

La chiesa di Santa Maria del Mercato a Iseo
La chiesa di Santa Maria del Mercato a Iseo

4. Pieve of Sant’Andrea:

A Romanesque, late-ancient church, probably dating from 5th century, which has been renovated various times: the last renewal is from 1700. The aspect is characteristic of the funeral roman art: in effect, inside the church is possible visit a wide cript, probably used, in the past, as a cemetery. In his simplicity, the bell tower reminds to the ideal of the ancient church.

There are many paintings preserved inside the church: the most important are “Madonna col Bambino”, “tele di San Francesco” and “l’Ultima cena” portrayed by Domenghini.

La pieve di Sant'Andrea a Iseo
La pieve di Sant’Andrea a Iseo

5. Antica Strada Valeriana:

Is a trekking route, perfect for who desires add in his itinerary a sports day, without missing the fantastic natural landscapes that Iseo Lake offers. The walk may start from two different places: Pilzone and Marone and is possible also arriving to the natural pyramids of Zone.

The route is simple and is suitable for expert or amateur hikers. The terrain is hilly and has gentle climbs and descents. During the walk is possible enjoy a wonderful view of the lake, and of the vineyards in Franciacorta. The first sector is very simple and flat, indeed is possible cross it with children and strollers.

Il lago di Iseo visto dalla via Valeriana, foto Andrea Tortelli (BsNews.it)

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